Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Granholm Zings DeVos

The award for best one-liner from last night's debate goes to Gov. Granholm:
Michigan needs a Governor who stands up to George Bush, not one who writes the President a 7-figure campaign check.
That pretty much defines DeVos. I've written about his ties to the Bush administration here and here, and others have taken note too. In fact, here's a recent letter to the editor that points out just how cozy DeVos and the GOP have been.
I recently read that Dick DeVos wants to get tough on lobbyists, if elected. I find that very interesting, considering his past association with lobbyists. Dick and Betsy DeVos held a huge fundraiser in 2004 on one of the family yachts. The guest list included lobbyist extraordinaire Jack Abramoff and indicted Congressman Tom DeLay.

The DeVos family gave more than $600,000 to the Bush re-election campaign and contributed often to DeLay and his PAC. I wonder if the reason DeVos won't disclose his tax returns like other candidates is he doesn't want the public to see the money trail.

Please consider voting again for Gov. Granholm, the one that really cares about Michigan.

Dotty Dilsaver/Battle Creek
DeVos doesn't want to be governor because he cares about the citizens of Michigan. DeVos only cares about his own agenda and that of the GOP - an agenda that favors big business at the expense of working class Americans.

Read the facts behind the claims DeVos made during the second debate here.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. That line hurt. It also hurt me deeply that the Governor chose to attack me for ties to the Republican Party and Bush. What is the world coming to when a candidate can't hide from his political party?

Lew Scannon said...

The classic Republican bait and switch:tax cuts in exchange for an extremist agenda that only benefits the wealthy and doesn't create any real jobs.