Thursday, April 27, 2006

You Gotta Pity George Bush

At the end of my post, The Worst President in History, some of you scoffed because I said I almost feel sorry for Bush. Well, guess what? Trey Ellis at The Huffington Post has the same sentiment, It's Official: I Now Pity George Bush, and he gives a compelling argument on why you should pity Bush too.
Before you start firing off rude, biting comments hoping to make me cry, just put yourself in his shoes for a minute. He's broken the United States of America. He was given the most powerful nation the world has ever known and driven it right into the ground. I mean, how would you feel?

Especially if you came from a high-achieving family. Like most guys he tried to follow in the footsteps of his dad. But what if your dad was a decorated WW II fighter pilot, college baseball star, Ambassador to the U.N., C.I.A. Director and President of the United-States? You might not even try to amount to anything for, say, the first forty-seven-years of your life.

But you watch your little brother Jeb get the good grades and the praise from the 'rents. You can't just sit back and watch him rise and rise without making one last stab at success. Like two kids playing Risk, you divide up the nation. You run for governor in Texas, little Jeb takes Florida.

This time you're the one who wins. Jeb has to try again.

Now everything's changed. You're on your way to showing that hardass dad of yours that he was wrong about you all these years. And by the way, he might have been a great war hero but he was only a mediocre President. You'll get to the White House and laugh last and so loud they'll hear you all the way back in Midland.

No mediocre Presidency for this son. No. You're swinging for the fence.

And it sort of works for a while. Big ideas and big opportunities. Your advisors assure you that you can play war and cakewalk to a win. Then it goes bad. And worse. The damn war never ends. Poll numbers crater. Nobody's comparing you to Lincoln or Roosevelt. Now they're comparing you to Joseph Hazelwood, captain of the Exxon Valdez.

First veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas calls you the "Worst President in American History." You laugh it off. She's an old crank anyway. Then professor Sean Wilentz writes a cover story for Rolling Stone calling you, again, the worst President ever. Not only that, but 81% of his fellow history professors have already declared your reign a failure. It's finally starting to sink in that Iraq is officially a defeat, the strongest military in the world dispirited and on its way to breaking, you've run up more debt than a drunken sailor before payday, your seemingly bulletproof political party looks headed back out of favor, Latin America is slipping out of your nation's sphere of influence for the first time in over a century, North Korea has acquired The Bomb. All on your watch.

What does he say to his mom and dad when they come over for dinner? Oops?

I can't help feeling sorry for him. I'm a Democrat. I always root for the underdog.
So do I, but I never imagined in my wildest dreams that George Bush would become an underdog. Some lucky shrink is going to make a fortune off of him someday.


pissed off patricia said...

When he admits to everything he has done and asks the country and the world to forgive him, I'll perhaps at that moment feel somewhat sorry for him. But as long as he struts and smirks while people are dying, he can go straight to hell.

I have tried in the past to see him as a human being but that is no longer possible. I see him as an evil creature the likes of which I cannot feel anything for but anger.

Kellius said...

I too feel sorry for bush.

But I do love him.

He's like a puppy...

Lew Scannon said...

Some lucky shrink...or coke dealer!

Carrie Oakey said...

Don't despair fellow Bush supporters! Our great leader will be able to pull himself up again! Remember how low his poll numbers were before September 11?

Rory Shock said...

you are a better peson than I ... he is one man for which it is hard to have compassion, given the enormity of his crimes against humanity ... you must be a good-hearted person

Neil Shakespeare said...

No pity here, unless there's pity involved in watching a dogturd melt in the rain.

Kathy said...

Kellius, thanks for dropping in from across the "pond." How is Tony Blair doing? Is he still tight with Bush?

Carrie, are there still some Bush supporters out there?

Rory, I don't necessarily feel sorry for Bush because I'm kind-hearted. I see him as a person who is psychologically damaged. He almost acts like a sociopath. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part since I'd like to believe we all have the capacity to do good and not evil.

Anonymous said...

I abhor the creature and all the misery he is responsible for but I do feel sorry him too, the same way Gandalf felt sorry for Gollum in the Lord of Rings.

Kathy said...

Hi, Static Brain. Thanks for leaving a comment. I can understand where you're coming from. I agree 100% that Bush is responsible for all kinds of misery and despair, but I guess I don't want to expend the energy to hate him. It's easier to pity him. Actually, when you think about it, pity is almost worse than hate. None of us want to be pitied.

Libby, can you believe I've never read the Lord of the Rings? I'm probably the only person who hasn't. It's on my list of books to read when I retire though!

isabelita said...

No. No pity. I despise him, abhor him, curse him and his family. They have had plenty of time to show they're worth anything like pity. May grass grow on their houses.