Mix together a hearty portion of news, blend in a cup of opinion, and season with religion, politics, humor or other essential seasonings to taste. Serve with a garnish of comments.
Read "The Stone Soup Legend".
Neil, I didn't see the resemblance till you mentioned it, but you're right...Rockwell and Clinton could be clones!
Kvatch, do you seriously think Bush would have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a third time? Thinking about this further, I believe Bill Clinton would beat the pants off of him, but if the Dems were stupid enough to put Kerry up against him again he just might pull it off.
Hell, I'd pray for that if I thought there was a chance in hell it would work.
Any sort of holy relief would be appreciated. Even if it's just a time-out for a couple of years.
This poster is in much better taste than the Church signs praying for someone to oral the Chimperor so he'll get impeached.
Makes a little more sense as well, since Slick Willy's tryst isn't what got him in trouble, it was lying about such personal business in public.
Still, NO 3rd Terms! lol It's way too easy to imagine W's folk workin' to pollin' booths . . . again.
Bush opens his mouth and a lie comes out. But no one ever mentions that.
Mike, I'm not in favor of third terms either. In fact, after enduring a second Bush term I'm inclined to say we should eliminate second terms too! :-)
Patricia, the Bush lies bother me too, and I don't know why people aren't calling him on them. It's a double standard as far as I'm concerned.
LOL! Yeah, Clinton is starting to look Norman Rockwellesque, isn't he? Ah, the good old days! What nostalgia!
Neil, I didn't see the resemblance till you mentioned it, but you're right...Rockwell and Clinton could be clones!
Kvatch, do you seriously think Bush would have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a third time? Thinking about this further, I believe Bill Clinton would beat the pants off of him, but if the Dems were stupid enough to put Kerry up against him again he just might pull it off.
Kvatch, thanks for the clarification. I misunderstood what you were trying to imply. My bad!
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