Monday, September 24, 2007

No Budget, No Pay!

It's about time our state legislators start being held accountable. From the MI AFL-CIO:


Please send a strong signal to our state legislators that they can no longer delay action in resolving Michigan's unprecedented budget crisis, and take action by signing an online petition at:

The petition calls on legislators' $79,650-a-year salary and benefits to be DOCKED if they do not pass a budget that invests in Michigan's citizens and our future by Oct 1. That means passing a budget that provides funding for police and fire protection, schools, health care, roads, protection for our precious Great Lakes and many other services.

In the real world, we only get paid when we do our jobs. The rules should be the same for our elected officials in Lansing. Send a message to your legislators and let them know working families expect them to do their jobs – or lose their pay.

Sign the petition: .

Thank you for your support.

1 comment:

Larry said...

Why should these people receive anything if they aren't going to do their jobs.