Monday, May 15, 2006

Add This to Your E-Mail

This is a great post from The Impolitic:
Quote of the day thanks to a forum mate at the Danbury News Times on-line forum. Rev. Jim Bridges will be adding this as his sig line on future emails.
NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
He graciously offers free use of the meme for anyone who would like to adopt it as their own.
Spread it around with your friends and enemies. I already added it to my signature line. Right, NSA snoops?


pissed off patricia said...

that is so excellent!

mikevotes said...

That's pretty funny, but be careful about it. The day the NSA story broke, I jokingly answered my phone "NSA monitoring service,"

It was my 90 year old grandmother and it took a couple of minutes and eventually a call back to straighten it out.


Lew Scannon said...

I'm changing my answering machine message to "Hello, I'm not available right now, but please leave a short message and the NSA will be with you shortly"

Kathy said...

Mikevotes brings up a good point about being careful. I wouldn't use the sig line on work e-mail or business correspondence, but among friends and family (except our grandmothers!) it should be fine.

I also like Lew's suggestion and I will put that on my home phone. Maybe that will stop some of those GOP pollsters in their tracks!