Friday, March 23, 2007

Michigan's Democrats Vote to Set Deadline

The House of Representives voted 218-212 today to set a firm deadline for our troops to leave Iraq. This reflects the sentiments of 6 in 10 Americans.

Thank you to all of Michigan's Democratic Representives who voted yes on the bill:
John Conyers, John Dingell, Dale Kildee, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Sander Levin, and Bart Stupak
Thanks for nothing to all of Michigan's Republican Representatives who voted no:
Dave Camp, Vernon Ehlers, Peter Hoekstra, Joe Knollenberg, Thad McCotter, Candice Miller, Mike Rogers, Fred Upton, and Timothy Walberg.
Now the troops know who really supports them.

Over the weekend, I suggest our state Republicans read what The Economist has to say about their party (especially after the way they voted today):

Collateral damage, The Republican Party is among the war's victims

And to help them understand why:

Mugged by reality. How it all went wrong in Iraq.


Anonymous said...

The Pubs will suffer even more collateral damage in 2008. They don't know what the hell they're doing and have no business in government.

Lew Scannon said...

Not surprised to see Hoekstra or Ehlers on that list. None of them would dare cross the party line.

Kathy said...

Lew, they may not be willing to cross the party line, but as "anonymous" says above, they'll suffer the consequences in 2008.