Speaking of Gitchee Gumee, a.k.a. Lake Superior, I wanted to share some pictures of the lake my aunt sent me. They were taken in November aboard the Misener Steamships MV Selkirk Settler (a Canadian company) as she crossed Lake Superior. The first picture shows her in calm water, but conditions deteriorate rapidly when a storm blows in. If you ever wondered why the Edmund Fitzgerald didn't make it, these pictures will explain it all.
Update: I'm deeply indebted to an anonymous commenter who alerted me to the fact that what I told you about these pictures is incorrect. If you check the comment section, you'll see the link that explains these pictures were taken on February 13, 1987 in the N. Atlantic. I am so sorry. I tried to find information about this ship before I posted the pics, but I didn't have much success. Unfortunately, this is one of the hazards of the internet. My aunt's friend sent her the pictures and she trusted that the information was correct, and I in turn trusted my aunt who lives next to Lake Superior. I think that fact added to my belief that the information she sent was indeed accurate. After all, yoopers don't lie! Anyway, I'm sorry for misleading everyone. I'll leave the pictures online for everyone to enjoy, but just be aware they weren't taken on Lake Superior in November.

Incredible, eh?
Wow. That is some scary lookin' water.
Thanks for the pics!
Just the thought of waves like that scares the hell out of me. I'm staying on dry land.
We're all in agreement - SCARY!
EEK! I don't like travelling on water to begin with (and me--a frog fer cris' sakes) and those pictures are making me queasy!
Kvatch, I agree. I'm not overly fond of the water either. I'd rather take my chance in a plane!
By the way, I didn't mean to mislead anyone, but while rereading what I wrote I might have given the impression that my aunt was on that ship. She wasn't! The "she" I refer to is the ship. I just wanted to clear that up.
Nice pictures but they were taken Feb 13, 1987 in the N. Atlantic (scroll to the bottom of the page)
Anonymous, thanks so much for pointing this out to me. I tried to find information on this ship before I posted the pictures, but I didn't have much success.
This is one of the hazards of the internet. My aunt's friend sent her the pictures and she trusted that the information was correct, and I in turn trusted my aunt. She lives next to Lake Superior and I think that fact added to my belief that the information was indeed accurate.
Anyway, thanks for alerting me to this fact. I appreciate it.
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