Friday, December 21, 2007

The Party of Nyet

That title was inspired by Kevin Drum to describe the Republicans. I like it, and it certainly fits considering the obstructionists have set a record. These are the details from Campaign for America's Future [emphasis added]:
The Republican Senate minority today filibustered an omnibus budget bill, setting a modern-day record for blocking the most legislation during a congressional session. A new report released today by the Campaign for America's Future details the 62 times conservatives have used the filibuster to block legislation (or force modification of bills) in the first session of the 110th Congress. In just the first year of this two-year Congress, their use of the filibuster in the Senate topped the previous record, reached during the entire 107th Congress.

The new report outlines every bill filibustered, vetoed or threatened to be vetoed by President Bush. Conservatives filibustered bills to end the occupation of Iraq, provide soldiers in Iraq rest time equal to their deployments, support renewable energy and grant residents of the District of Columbia representation in Congress. Today's record-breaker involved a $516 billion budget package passed by the House to fund the federal government in 2008. The conservative minority demanded $20 billion additional funding for the war and opposed House language to bring troops home, and threatened a filibuster to prevent the bill from getting an up or down vote.

"In just one session, a minority in Congress has prevented a mind-blowing 62 pieces of legislation from going to the floor for an up or down vote," said Campaign for America's Future co-director Roger Hickey. "Our report shows how over and over again, the uncompromising minority has thwarted the will of majorities in Congress and of the American people, holding the Senate floor hostage to a radical right-wing agenda."
And to think this is the same party that's been running around for decades crowing about their values. They're nothing but a bunch of immature bullies:
Eric Lotke, Campaign for America's Future research director and lead author of the new report, calls the obstruction a "deliberate strategy." He observes that the congressional Republicans block legislation, then blame the Democrats for getting nothing done. "It's like mugging the postman and then complaining that the mail isn't delivered on time."
Deliberate obstruction. They must be so proud. Yet, for all their efforts, they've actually failed. It turns out that 2007 Democrats have been more successful than Newt Gingrich's 1995 Republicans, although I'd really call it a Pyrrhic victory since our biggest problems are still hanging over our heads.


Larry said...

The party of Newt may as well be the party of Hitler.

Their regime is basically the same.

Kathy said...

Larry, if we add Newt's name to the phrase "Party of Nyet" we get "Newt's Party of Nyet." Geesh, if that doesn't sound as dumb as the party!